Logo CarboRefit
Logo CarboRefit
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Titelbild mit der abgebildeten Hyperschale
Preservation instead of demolition
with carbon reinforced concrete
Sustainability and innovation: We firmly believe that the future of construction lies not in constant new builds but in the intelligent preservation and enhancement of existing structures. Our mission is to extend the lifespan of buildings through the innovative CARBOrefit® procedure while minimizing the ecological footprint.

Revolutionary building material, unlimited possibilities: Carbon reinforced concrete is the foundation of our vision. This high-performance material allows us to effectively strengthen structures without compromising aesthetics, weight, or durability. Our approach means less material usage, lower CO2 emissions, and significant cost reductions compared to traditional renovation methods.

Shaping the future, preserving the past: Every building has a story to tell. The CARBOrefit® procedure enables us to continue these stories instead of ending them. From historic buildings to modern infrastructures, CARBOrefit® represents a world where the appreciation of the existing and the passion for innovation go hand in hand.

Together for a greener future: Behind CARBOrefit® is a network of dedicated visionaries. Join us in this exciting journey. Let us together pave the way for a more sustainable, responsible, and efficient construction industry.
Strengthening with carbon reinforced concrete in a nutshell
Das Bild zeigt den Aufbau und die Zusammensetzung von Carbonbeton.
Carbon reinforced concrete is a high-performance composite material made of carbon reinforcement and fine-grained concrete. The carbon reinforcement withstands tensile forces, while the concrete absorbs compression and ensures a strong bond to the existing structure in building preservation applications. This results in a highly efficient and powerful symbiosis. Carbon reinforced concrete is free from metallic components. It is highly resilient to various environmental conditions and exceptionally durable. Unlike steel reinforced concrete, carbon reinforced concrete eliminates the necessity for over-dimensioned concrete cover to protect the reinforcement from exposure and the associated risk of corrosion. Furthermore, the material is extremely strong, thus, ideal for structural upgrades.

The CARBOrefit® procedure capitalizes on these benefits. It employs carbon-reinforced concrete and offers millimetre-thin, highly load-bearing strengthening solutions. The procedure is resource-efficient and gentle on existing structures. Due to the low-weight strengthening layer, CARBOrefit® procedure is suitable for a wide range of applications, including buildings, infrastructure and cultural monuments, even where conventional methods come to limitations. The material-efficient implementation, exceptional strength, rapid construction process and lifespan of over 100 years make CARBOrefit® an economic and ecological alternative to conventional renovation methods.
Application areas
Enhancing the structural strength
Restoring the original structural strength
Restoring the durability
Image-Icon. Zwei Hände die den Globus umfassen. welches Nachhaltigkeit beschreibt.

The introduction of CARBOrefit® procedure promotes the preservation of existing structures and prevents demolition, thereby conserving resources and reducing environmental impact. The solution allows structures of societal value to be maintained sufficiently and made usable for future generations. The approach helps the construction industry to effectively meet the needs for affordable housing, functional commercial and industrial buildings, and intact infrastructure. 

Image-Icon welches Einsparung beschreibt. Eine Hand die den Globus hält.
Material savings and CO2 reduction

Strengthening with carbon reinforced concrete offers significant material savings and CO2 emission reductions. Due to a substantially lower concrete usage, material consumption is reduced by up to 85%, and CO2 emissions are cut by up to 50% compared to shotcrete. Overall, the CARBOrefit® procedure ensures efficient resource utilization and leads to substantial cost savings.

Image-Icon welches Effizienz beschreibt. Ein Kran und zwei Häuser.
Light weight and efficient application

The CARBOrefit® procedure requires less labour and allows for a faster construction process compared to conventional strengthening method using shotcrete. The flexibility and light weight of the materials used make on-site strengthening easy to carry out, especially when working overhead. This reduces the strain on the workforce, allowing for smaller crew sizes and highly efficient operations on the construction site.

Image-Icon. Drei Striche die gepresst werden, welches Flexibilität beschreibt.
Flexibility and minimal invasion

Carbon reinforcing grids are flexible and can be applied to various curved surfaces with ease. By introducing a thin strengthening layer of only 10-15 millimetres, minimal weight and stress are added to the existing structure. The CARBOrefit® procedure is ideal for renovation projects where the initial load-bearing capacity is limited or the preservation of the original look is required. Furthermore, the use of fine-grained concrete ensures a strong bond between the existing structure and the strengthening layer, eliminating the need for dowelling and the associated damage and risk of penetration.

Image-Icon, welches Festigkeit beschreibt. Eine Hantelstange ist abgebildet.
High strength and durability

Carbon has up to six times the tensile strength of steel, which significantly improves the load-bearing capacity of concrete components reinforced with it. The corrosion-resistant nature, combined with excellent ability to control crack width, makes carbon reinforced concrete highly resilient to external influences. These characteristics allow for the application of millimetre-thin strengthening layers that not only enhance the strength but also increase the durability and longevity of existing structures.

Approval for the strengthening of concrete structures using carbon reinforced concrete
The CARBOrefit® process has been granted the combined national technical approval and general construction technique permit abZ/aBG Z 31.10 182 by the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt). This approval recognises the use of CARBOrefit® for structural applications, enabling the efficient and sustainable strengthening of structures with carbon reinforced concrete in Germany. The existence of this approval significantly simplifies the application of CARBOrefit® in building practice, as it eliminates the costly and lengthy process of obtaining case-by-case approval (ZiE) for individual projects.

The enormous potential of carbon reinforced concrete and the available approval make CARBOrefit® an attractive and economical solution for strengthening, renovating and repairing structures. For this reason, we are taking the lead and aiming to continually extend the scope of the approval. Together with advancing material development, we are expanding the areas of application to establish CARBOrefit® as the standard solution for structural strengthening in the near future.
The CARBOrefit® procedure has been widely recognized and honoured with various awards for its innovative approach and significant contributions to structures preservation. The recognitions highlight its impact and effectiveness in sustainable construction.
bild rohstoffeffizienzpreis

rohstoffeffizienzpreis 2022

Das Bild zeigt die Auszeichnung des JEC Forum Dach - Startup Booster Winner 2023

Startup Booser Winner 2023

Icon Gewinner Publikumpreis für die DGNB Sustainability Challange


Innovation Construction Award


The CARBOrefit® procedure is introduced to renovate, strengthen and repair existing civil engineering structures such as buildings, bridges, or tunnels. A millimeter-thin layer of carbon reinforced concrete is applied onto the prepared surface of the concrete component to be strengthened. The procedure can be used in accordance with the German technical approval and general construction technique permit Z-31.10-182 both for constructional function to increase durability and for static strengthening to compensate for structural damage or increased load requirements. Because of its minimally invasive application method without any dowelling, the CARBOrefit® procedure is also ideal for use in historic and listed buildings to enhance load-bearing capacity without significantly altering the appearance.

The CARBOrefit® procedure capitalizes on the innovative composite material: carbon reinforced concrete. A specially developed fine-grained concrete is combined with carbon reinforcement grids. The high performance of carbon reinforcement, coupled with its lightweight and corrosion-resistant nature, results in numerous material advantages and application possibilities that make the CARBOrefit® procedure highly beneficial for the preservation of structures.

Design: The CARBOrefit® method may be designed and dimensioned by any planner in Germany on the basis of approval Z-31.10-182. Our planning guide contains valuable tips and information in addition to the approval. We also recommend voluntary participation in one of our design training courses - here you will learn all the relevant information on structural maintenance with carbon reinforced concrete in a particularly time-efficient manner and gain a decisive knowledge advantage. Execution: To carry out the CARBOrefit® procedure in accordance with the approval, the relevant construction companies must have a CARBOrefit® certificate of suitability. This can be obtained as part of a two to three-day training course and subsequent certification by GÜB.

Yes, the CARBOrefit® procedure offers a number of significant advantages. The procedure enables significant time and resource savings through a reduction in construction time and the demand for labor and materials. Another economic benefit is the extended lifetime of the renovated buildings, as deteriorated structures can be efficiently preserved. In addition, the gain in usable space as a result of reduced layer thickness increases the efficiency of the structures. A particular advantage is the project-specific configurability of the materials used. By adjusting the type and geometry of the reinforcement grids, a material-efficient and cost-effective solution can be found for each construction project. Recent projects have repeatedly shown that strengthening with the CARBOrefit® procedure is even more economically advantageous than using conventional methods.

The CARBOrefit® procedure is still applicable in many cases where individual project parameters deviate from the applications regulated in the scope of the approval (e.g. use in exterior areas or bridges). In these cases, a project-related approval (ZiE) is required, however, this can be obtained in a very cost and time-efficient manner by referring to the approval, available test results and practical applications. Feel free to contact us anytime – we are happy to consult you!

Auszeichnung mit dem Zukunftspreis eku für das Jahr 2024
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The pioneering technical handbook for the CARBOrefit® procedure!
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Das CarboRefit Qualitätssiegel. Für ausführende Unternehmen & Materialherstellende
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Zeigt das Hauptbild des vom Nutzer ausgewählten Projekts in größerer Darstellung.


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Let's work together

...to preserve buildings.

...to build sustainably and conserve resources.

...to drive change in the construction industry.

+49 351 48205 521

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Mohorner Str. 13
01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 48205 521
E-Mail: info@carborefit.de

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