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News: Das CARBOrefit-Verfahren ist offiziell zugelassen!
CARBOrefit® – Procedure for strengthening existing concrete structures with carbon reinforced concrete, now officially approved
A foundation stone has been laid for a sustainable construction industry. With the approval for structural strengthening with carbon reinforced concrete and a new strong consortium, a transformation in the construction industry is being initiated. Following its publication by the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt), the approval is now available, and strengthening with carbon reinforced concrete is officially authorized. The consortium has big plans to offer architects and designers new application possibilities and to drive the change forward.
By Maximilian May
September 20, 2024

A foundation stone has been laid for a sustainable construction industry. With the approval for structural strengthening with carbon reinforced concrete and a new strong consortium, a transformation in the construction industry is being initiated. Following its publication by the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt), the approval is now available, and strengthening with carbon reinforced concrete is officially authorized. The consortium has big plans to offer architects and designers new application possibilities and to drive the change forward. The previous approval under the name TUDALIT, which has been in existence since 2014, was taken over and extended by CARBOCON GMBH on behalf of the entire consortium. The renaming of the approval Z-31.10-182 to CARBOrefit® – Procedure for strengthening existing concrete structures with carbon reinforced concrete marks a new start for the approval. The eight consortium partners are fundamentally revising the existing approval. In addition, new and more efficient materials will be added to the approval step by step, and the scope of application will be gradually extended. The continuous development of the approval will provide project developers and designers with an economical solution for the strengthening, renovation and repair of existing concrete structures. By conserving resources and reducing CO2 emissions, a significant contribution can be made to achieving climate protection targets. It also makes a positive impact in terms of economic and social sustainability aspects. In the next step, which will take place this summer, fundamental changes and extensions to the CARBOrefit® approval will come into effect. Stay tuned! The transformation of the construction industry begins now!

bauaufsichtlich geregelt, DIBt, Zulassung

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