Logo CarboRefit
The CARBOrefit® procedure offers an innovative and resource-efficient solution for the preservation of structures, meeting not only the requirements for quality and safety, but also for cost-effectiveness. Proper planning and design are essential for the successful implementation of projects. Structural engineers and designers can develop suitable strengthening solutions following the instructions and key parameters given in the German technical approval and construction technique permit abZ/aBG CARBOrefit® Z-31.10-182. In addition, we offer the following further support for an effective design process, including the CARBOrefit® technical handbook, training sessions, and software-assisted design tool.
Planning guide
Publication date: 01.07.2024
While the German approval abZ/aBG covers all technical fundamentals for construction and application, the CARBOrefit® technical handbook provides comprehensive planning and design guidance for stakeholders involved in the area of structure preservation.

Here you will find many helpful information along with supporting fact sheets. The fact sheets include additional explanations of the technical approval, design values tables, texts for tender proposals, and guidelines for planning and designing strengthening solutions with carbon reinforced concrete. Detailed insights into the verification of design compliance of CARBOrefit® strengthening layers are also provided.
A vision becomes reality: our configurator

Use our configurator to roughly calculate the required number of CARBOrefit® reinforcement layers.

Do you have a question or need individual advice on the realisation of your project? Contact us quickly and easily: +49 351 48205 521 | info@carborefit.de

Approximate calculation for carbon reinforcement*

The calculation is based on a width of 1 metre.
Reinforcement deficit

* This tool serves as a rough preliminary assessment and does not replace expert planning and dimensioning! For dimensioning, please refer to the technical characteristic values from the German technical approval and construction technique permit abZ/aBG CARBOrefit® Z-31.10-182. We also recommend our planning guide and our planning training course.
New: Our training offer for structural designers

As trained planners in the CARBOrefit® network, you are the crucial link between the building owners and the practical implementation of our innovative procedure. By participating in our training programme, you will gain a deeper understanding of the design and dimensioning of carbon reinforced concrete. This will enable you to develop sustainable solutions and pave the way for an environmentally friendly construction industry. Your expertise will position you as a pioneer and expert decision-maker in the implementation of sustainable solutions for the preservation of buildings.

Interested in further details or taking part in one of our design training courses? The events are held in cooperation with recognised training providers and can be recognised by chambers of engineers in germany. To find out more about the seminars on offer, follow the links provided, select your preferred date and location and register directly. We look forward to your participation!

Design training (German; in Dresden and digital)
Das Logo von dem Unternehmen Frilo.
With the module "B2 – Reinforced Concrete Design" in the FRILO software, engineers and designers have the option to use a software-assisted tool for designing CARBOrefit® strengthening layers.

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Mohorner Str. 13
01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 48205 521
E-Mail: info@carborefit.de

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