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Amtsschlachthof Dresden

General information

Ventura Investment GmbH
Frühjahr 2023

Special features

DenkmalschutzMonumental preservation

Project description

The Amtsschlachthof in Dresden, a complex of 68 buildings on an area of 36 hectares, was once one of the most modern and largest abattoirs in Europe. Following the closure in 1994, the buildings became increasingly dilapidated and suffered significant corrosion damage. The restoration of the dilapidated buildings for subsequent use as an innovation campus required, among other things, a solution to strengthen the severely damaged ceilings of buildings 2-4. An innovative strengthening solution using CRC was developed. The material-specific advantages of CRC are particularly favourable, allowing the existing ceiling slabs to be repaired in a minimally invasive manner with a strengthening layer only 10-15 mm thick. Thanks to the millimetre-thin solution, adjacent components (e.g. columns, beams, foundations) can continue to be used without the need for further measures. In addition, the strengthening layer blends harmoniously into the overall architectural design and integrates seamlessly without altering the original appearance.

The application of the CARBOrefit® procedure in accordance with the technical approval allowed the project to be carried out without a complex approval process, providing a particular economic advantage. The strengthening with CRC was therefore substantially superior to conventional solutions in terms of resource efficiency and cost effectiveness, and clearly demonstrated the great potential of this building material for the preservation of structures.

by proxy

Mohorner Str. 13
01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 48205 521
E-Mail: info@carborefit.de

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