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Arabella Hochhaus in München

General information


Special features

Anwendung im AußenbereichApplication in exterior area

Project description

The around 40-year-old Arabella high-rise building in Munich suffered damage to some of its balconies and parapet panels due to cracking, spalling and frost. This was affecting the durability, and safety of the balconies and the building's surroundings. The repair project required the complex geometry of the parapet panels to be renovated without scaffolding and without disrupting the current use of the building. Overlaying with CRC demonstrated the ideal solution. The low material usage allowed the work in exterior area to be carried out by industrial climbers. A thin layer of just 6 mm of CRC ensured both the preservation of the original appearance and a long-term guarantee of safety and usability.

by proxy

Mohorner Str. 13
01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 48205 521
E-Mail: info@carborefit.de

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