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Historic arch bridge in Naila

General information

Naila City (Bayern)

Special features

Anwendung im AußenbereichApplication in exterior area
Besondere konstruktive BedingungenSpecial constructional conditions
DenkmalschutzMonumental preservation

Project description

The historic arch bridge in Naila city, which has been in existence for over 100 years, was characterised by cracks almost all over its surface. Honeycombs in the structure also affected the appearance of the bridge. As the listed structure is of great sentimental value to both the locale and the region, a renovation method was sought that could preserve its original appearance and geometry. Additionally, compliance with current requirements for stability, traffic safety, and durability should be ensured.

The renovation using CRC was convincing in terms of durability, fine crack distribution, and ease of application. Furthermore, the appearance of the historic arch bridge could be successfully preserved as the applied CRC layer was only a few millimetres thick and barely visible when looking at the bridge. In addition, the clearance under the bridge remained unchanged. Based on these advantages, renovation with CRC proved to be the most economically attractive solution compared to other methods.

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Mohorner Str. 13
01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 48205 521
E-Mail: info@carborefit.de

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