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Hyparschale Magdeburg
Marcus Bredt
Marcus Bredt
Das Bild zeigt die Hyparschale in Magdeburg in einem Bauabschnitt.
Marcus Bredt

General information

State capital Magdeburg, Own municipal facility management company
Febr. 2020 – Sommer 2021

Special features

Abweichende Art der BeanspruchungDeviant types of loading
Anwendung im AußenbereichApplication in exterior area
DenkmalschutzMonumental preservation

Project description

The Hyparschale in Magdeburg, designed by civil engineer Ulrich Müther, is one of the largest concrete shell structures of its kind. The roof consists of four hyperbolic parabolic segments. Shortly after its completion, this listed building already showed signs of structural damage. These were further exacerbated after the closure of the building and a suitable repair concept was sought. Based on an as-built analysis, it was decided to strengthen the four hyperbolic paraboloids of the reinforced concrete shell roof with CRC.

A 10 mm thin strengthening layer of CRC was applied to the top and bottom of the concrete shell roof, saving the unique structure from demolition and providing a very lightweight solution. Conventional method using shotcrete would have required a 70 mm strengthening layer on each side. Considering the ratio of the additional weight to the original shell structure (approximately 70 mm thick), the existing structure would not have been able to support such load. The innovative lightweight solution based on CRC allowed the historic building to be successfully preserved. In addition to the economic benefits, the use of CRC also provided ecological added value, saving 85% of resources and 52% of CO2 emissions compared to the conventional method.

by proxy

Mohorner Str. 13
01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 48205 521
E-Mail: info@carborefit.de

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