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S109 Bridge in Kleinsaubernitz

General information

The Free State of Saxony/ LISt GmbH
August 2020

Special features

Abweichende Art der BeanspruchungDeviant types of loading
Anwendung im AußenbereichApplication in exterior area
Special static requirements

Project description

Kleinsaubernitz is located in Oberlausitz, about 15 km north-east of the district of Bautzen. The state route S109 crosses over the Alte Fließ stream in this area. The structure under consideration is a single-span steel-reinforced concrete slab bridge built in 1951. The bridge is located in the immediate vicinity of the federal highway A4 and is part of its alternate route. The use by local businesses and as an alternate route results in an unusually high traffic load for this type of bridge, particularly from heavy vehicles. It was necessary to upgrade the bridge from a load rating of BK 30/30 to BK 60/30.

Within the subproject V 1.2 "Verification and testing concepts for standards and approvals" of the Carbon Concrete Composites C³ project, a bridge structure in Saxony was strengthened with CRC for the first time. In this specific project, the structural engineering company and the research institute worked closely with the project developer, so that the flexural strengthening of the skew slab bridge made of steel-reinforced concrete with a span of 8.3 m could be successfully implemented in August 2020.

by proxy

Mohorner Str. 13
01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 48205 521
E-Mail: info@carborefit.de

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