When it was constructed in 1893, the arch bridge was one of the first to utilise the then-novel material of iron reinforced concrete. Today, the pedestrian bridge stands as one of the oldest existing reinforced concrete bridges in Germany and is listed as a protected monument. For the refurbishment of the structure, a new and innovative material is once again being used: carbon reinforced concrete. In cooperation between the two engineering offices, Steinbacher-Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft and CARBOCON GMBH, a renovation solution using carbon reinforced concrete was developed within the framework of a project-specific approval (ZiE) based on the application of the CARBOrefit® procedure . The building preservation experts at Karrié Bauunternehmung are currently carrying out a comprehensive renovation of the bridge in Naumburg (Saale). By applying CARBOrefit® procedure and products from PAGEL Spezial-Beton GmbH & Co. KG and Lefatex Chemie GmbH, the historical appearance of the bridge can be preserved, , ensuring its continued use for future generations.
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Mohorner Str. 13
01159 Dresden
Telefon: 0351 48205 521
E-Mail: info@carborefit.de