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Planungsschulung CarboRefit. Jetzt anmelden: Die neue CarboRefit-Fortbildungsreihe für Planende
Register now: New training course for designers
Take the opportunity to enhance your expertise and get acquainted with the latest standards in the use of carbon reinforced concrete for structure preservation.
By Miriam Melzer
September 20, 2024

We invite you to join us on 18 June 2024 from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM– for our new design training session on strengthening of reinforced concrete with carbon reinforced concrete, offered in cooperation with the Bauakademie Sachsen. Take the opportunity to enhance your expertise and get acquainted with the latest standards in the use of carbon reinforced concrete for structure preservation.

You can find further dates for our training series in the event announcements on our website at any time.

Contents of the design training course

Under the expert guidance of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schumann, you will learn how carbon reinforced concrete can be used to effectively and sustainably preserve exisiting structures. The training is particularly aimed at designers and construction specialists from architectural and engineering offices who are looking to broaden their knowledge in structure preservation and apply it directly to their daily tasks. With the upcoming release of the CARBOrefit® technical handbook, you will also gain an insight into a valuable tool that further simplifies the design and implementation of this strengthening method.

Key topics

  • Fundamentals of carbon reinforced concrete and an introduction to approvals and guidelines
  • Application possibilities and systems currently available on the market
  • Design principles and calculation example
  • Regulatory details for execution planning

Accreditation and certification

This training course is accredited as an official continuing education by Architekten- und Ingenieurkammer Sachsen. It offers you the opportunity not only to deepen your knowledge, but also to take your professional practice to a new level.

Secure Your Spot Now!

Elevate your professional development. Register today to secure your place in this pioneering training programme!

Bemessung, Planung, Planungsschulung, Schulung, Weiterbildung

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Mohorner Str. 13
01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 48205 521
E-Mail: info@carborefit.de

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